The campaign highlights the dangerous nature of being distracted by technology when attempting to cross the road.
The Look Out! Campaign has been developed by the London Borough of Bexley to remind all road users to take time to look properly before pulling out or stepping out. Research showed that the most commonly recorded factor in both collisions on Bexley’s roads involving drivers or riders and those involving pedestrians was failing to look properly. The campaign uses a set of four posters, two aimed at drivers and two aimed at pedestrians as well as screen advertising in shopping centres and adverts in local newspapers.
The Road Safety Team has run a road safety campaign throughout the borough with the theme: ‘Look out before you step out!’. The campaign aims to reduce the number of accidents caused by pedestrians stepping into the road without looking properly. This is particularly prevalent with youngsters attempting to cross a road whilst distracted by a mobile device.
If you work on behalf of a business that would be interested in sponsoring or supporting a road safety campaign then please contact us and we will discuss availability of campaigns local to you as well as pricing and the benefits.